I might have the next big thing on my hands, and this is your last chance this round to make an investment in OurHistoryMuseum. Here's EARLY access (bugs and all) to the DESKTOP version.
You'll have to log in using:
username: demo@ourhistorymuseum.org
password: demo1234
I also encourage you to ask me for an investor prospectus, a private zoom tour, or any questions you might have. Please remember this is the DESKTOP version, and not everything works yet. The mobile version is further along but not yet in a public beta.
Make sure to find the map, and go to Alexandria, VA to see how this will work soon everywhere. Please let me know what you think by leaving comments or emailing me at ken@ourhistorymuseum.org.
Join me, and let's make history together!
Follow this link or click the button below: https://dev.ourhistorymuseum.org/auth/login
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